When the Federal Government ordered for immediate shut down of schools in March because of the ravaging Coronavirus, many students were very happy and immediately returned to their various homes, hoping that schools will resume soon.
Many students wanted to relax for a few weeks without knowing that they won’t be going back to school after four months and still counting.
Meanwhile, it’s crystal clear that many students are tired of staying at home and want to return back to their various campuses.
In this article, I will be examining five productive things which students can do while waiting for the Federal Government to order for immediate reopening of schools and equally resolve with the Academic Staff Union Of Universities, ASUU.
(1) Study Ahead
Students who find it very hard to study for many hours can use this period to study ahead so that when schools resume, they will find it easy to cope with the system.
It’s imperative to note that getting a start ahead on your studies will not only help you in keeping up with your curriculum but will also free up some time for you to make some new friends or do some extracurricular activities when school resume.
(2) Learn A New Skill
I have seen many students learning a new skill this period of COVID-19 pandemic. This is commendable. You too, can also acquire a new skill.
It is worthy to note that learning a new skill this period of the ravaging Coronavirus will prepare you for tasks ahead probably after graduation. Learning a new skill will also improve your resume and wider acceptability.
There are many skills which you can acquire or learn online.
* SEO/Google Analytics
* Image and video editing
*Public Speaking
*Tailoring and design
*Digital marketing
Choose the one you have passion for and concentrate.
(3) Farming
Students who have passion for farming can also use this period to engage in farming activities. In this modern time, you can do a lot of farming even when you are at home.
Example, Snail farming in Nigeria provides one of the finest opportunity to make money within a short period of time but many people don’t know about this. You can do more research on how to start one.
(4) Learn How To Cook
Guys, you heard me right, use this period to learn how to cook your favourite food so that all those girls will stop mocking you in hostel that you don’t know how to cook. Lol.
It’s pertinent to note that learning how to cook will save you from unnecessary expenses, keep you healthy.
(5) Learn How To Communicate With People Online
There are still students that don’t know how to establish a good and healthy communication online. Some feel shy while others insult even their elders because they feel that the Internet is just a place to dish out insults to people.
You don’t know where your helper will come from. Learn how to relate with people. I don’t mean you should be over serious, no. You can still play and catch fun online but know when to stop.
It is pertinent to note that many firms look at your social media accounts before employing you. So be careful.
Written by Wisdom Nwedene is a journalist, social media strategist. Contact : Nwedenewisdom@gmail.com
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