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Applications are invited from suitably qualified candidates for the vacant Academic, Technical and Non-Academic positions in the Gombe State University of Science and Technology, Kumo, as follows;

Job Title: Nursing Officer II (CONTISS 07)

Location: Gombe State

Qualifications & Experience:

Candidates must possess an NRN or SRN certificate plus registration with the Nursing and Midwifery Council of Nigeria. 

Methods of Application

All applicants should submit fifteen (15) hard copies of their applications along with their Credentials and Curriculum Vitae which should include the following details: 

i. Full Names:

ii. Post Desired and Department 

iii. Date of Birth

iv. Place of Birth and State of Origin

v. Sex:

vi. Nationality

vii. Permanent Home Address

viii. Current Postal Address

ix. GSM Number:

x. Email Address:

xi. Marital Status:

xii. Number of Children:

xiii. Institutions Attended (with dates – Starting with the latest)

xiv. Academic Qualifications (with dates – Starting with the latest)

xv. Professional Qualifications (with dates – Starting with the latest)

xvi. Honors, Distinctions and Membership of Learned Professional Societies (Starting with the latest)

xvii. Working Experience (General and Specific Experience: Starting with the latest):

xviii. Research interest or Commissioned Projects:

a. Completed (list) 

xix. List of Publications with Details of Title, Publishers, or Journals dates and pages (where applicable) 

xx. Conferences and Workshops attended with papers presented (Starting with the latest)

xxi. Information on Fellowship, Masters’ Projects and Ph.D. Thesis Supervised: (To include the following) (Starting with the latest)

a. Title of Thesis

b. Name of Student(s)

c. Date/Year of Commencement 

d. Completed/Ongoing (Anticipated date of Completion)

e. Sole/Collaborative Supervision

xxii. Details of Administrative Experience

xxiii. Teaching Experience:

xxiv. Service to the Community (with status and dates):

xxv. Present Employment, Status, Salary and Employer:

xxvi. Extra-Curricular Activities:

xxvii. Names and Addresses of Three (3) Referees: Two of the referees must be senior professional/scientist in the candidate’s fields. It is the duty of the candidates to inform the referees to write and send their report to the Registrar. 

Closing Date 

All applications must be received not later than four (4) weeks from the date of this advertisement.

NB: Only shortlisted candidates will receive an acknowledgement and invitation for interview.

All applications should be addressed to:

The Registrar, 

Gombe State University of Science and Technology,

P. M. B. 006, Kumo, 

Gombe State.

RCandidates should indicate the position they applied for boldly written on the right-hand side of the envelope.

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