Ogun State Government Recruitment for Farm & Farmers’ Registration Consultant

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The Ogun State Government is requesting assistance from the World Bank to fund the Ogun State Economic Transformation Program (OGSTEP) through an Investment Project Financing instrument, The funds will support the Ogun State Development Plan (SDP) (2018-2030) with a focus on business environment, skills development and public sector governance.

The ministry of budget and planning has the responsibility for project implementation and ensuring that the project development objectives are met and coordinated by the Project Implementation Unit (PIU).

Below is a critical role / activities that are needed to be filled or carried out for the preparation and implementation of the program:

Job Title: Farm & Farmers’ Registration Consultant

Reference No.: OG/CS/PPA/23/2020
Location: Abeokuta, Ogun State
Project Title: Farm & farmers registration, including Geo-tagging using Digital Tools & Database Development
Reports to: Project Manager, Agriculture – OGSTEP & Honourable Commissioners.
Duration of employment / engagement: Four (4) Months

Project Development Objective

  • The Project Development Objective is to increase agricultural production and stimulate private sector participation in the agricultural, industrial and skills sectors of the Ogun State economy.

The project consists of two main components. The project components include:
Component 1: Increasing Agricultural Production and Industrialization:

  • Sub-Component 1.1: increasing Agricultural Production
  • Sub-Component 1.2: Improving Business Environment.
  • Sub-Component 1.3 Developing Skills.

Component 2: Technical Assistance to Strengthen Capacity to Implement the Program:

  • Component 2.1 Agriculture
  • Component 2.2 Business Environment
  • Component 2.3 Skills
  • Component 2.4 Public Sector Reform and PFM
  • Component 2.5 Project Implementation support

Background Information

  • The Ogun State Government through the Federal Government of Nigeria is applying for a USD 250 million credit from the International Development Association (hereinafter referred to as IDA)/ World Bank towards the financing of the OGUN STATE ECONOMIC TRANSFORMATION PROJECT (OGSTEP). The Project Coordinating Office of OGSTEP intends to apply part of the proceeds of this credit to payments under contracts for the Consultancy Services.
  • The OGSTEP is in line with the Ogun State Development Plan 2017-2030 (SDP) reform agenda to accelerate strategic reforms and foster public investment to enable greater private sector participation in the State’s economy which is organised around five cardinal programs covering agriculture production and industrialization, infrastructure and rural development, education, health, and affordable housing and urban renewal.
  • Agriculture plays a major economic role in Ogun state, providing income and employment for about 70 percent of the labour force, while contributing 30 percent of the State GDP over the 2013-2017 period. Significant potential exists in the State to increase productivity and improve competitiveness to meet the growing demand of the agri-food industry. In order to grow the sector, multiple consultations with the private sector have confirmed the private sector’s high interest in investing in the agri-food sector.
  • In conjunction with World Bank financed projects in Nigeria, OGSTEP Agriculture component seeks to help address the key constraints to increased private sector participation in Agriculture working closely with Ogun farmers. The Agriculture component will support three types of activities: First, support the development and implementation of the international best practice Framework for Responsible and Inclusive Land-Intensive Agricultural Investments (FRILIA) in Ogun State; Second, foster the engagement  of Value Chain Development Firms (VCDF), and finally, develop critical infrastructure to strengthen market linkages to production areas where value chain development alliances are being promoted.
  • The idea is to support smallholder farmers at farming communities in Ogun State to participate in production effort in the following priority value chains: 1. Food crops ; 2. Horticulture and; 3. Livestock ; 4. Fiber
  • Ogun State Government through the Ministry of Agriculture is desirous to have a robust registry of all its farmers, warehoused within a would be Farmers’ Information Management System. Based on the aforementioned, it is therefore important that there be an audit of the farmers and primary producers in the State in order to have a database that throws up a lot of information about the farmers and other related information such as current state of affairs of the farmers, and would be useful for design and implementation of various intervention programmes in the State. Such a farmers’ registration therefore needs to be conducted in line with the OGSTEP project development objective in the first instance and in line with best practices.
  • OGSTEP working with the Ministry of Agriculture , therefore seeks to engage a consultancy firm to assist in the farmers registration and database creation exercise.
  • This Terms of Reference (TOR) therefore intends to set the minimum requirements and the scope of the exercise.


  • The specific objective of the assignment is to develop a detailed database of farmers and related information, that will support decision making process, ensure effective development , implementation of agricultural support programmes and development of the Ogun Farmers Information Management System (OGFIMS) seeks to achieve the following:
  • Determine the actual number and locations of the practicing farmers so as to ensure effective planning and implementation of farmers’ support programmes;
  • Determine location, farm sizes and the enterprise combination patterns of farmers in each locality to enable effective planning to support the agricultural/food sector;
  • Ensure effective performance monitoring and evaluation of agricultural programmes in the State;
  • Ensure effective distribution of agricultural inputs/equipment;
  • Enable / complement the adoption of technology in service delivery to farmers in the State;
  • Provide a holistic view of farmers and their activities in the State.

Scope of Work:

  • The Firm will provide technical assistance to the Ministry of Agriculture, Ogun State through OGSTEP in developing and managing the Farmers Registration process and required database for a Farmers’ Information Management System (OGFIMS) platform for the State, in line with best practices and similar undertakings in neighbouring States. .
  • Specifically they Firm will be responsible for developing the technical platform for OGFIMS including the geo-spatial and attribute data base, and the Government staff such as extension agents will be utilised for gathering the data relating to the farmers on the field. The Firm will in turn geo reference the farm locations and validate where necessary.

The scope of the work for the Firm for the Farmers Registration Project will include, but are not limited to:

  • Establishing guidelines and developing data collection techniques or utilising available methodology / tool for data gathering.
  • Design and Develop the Farmers Information Management System – (Inc. Architecture & System)
  • Developing data collection field manual.
  • Overseeing the farmers registration exercise across the State.
  • Managing data gathering (including geo-referenced data), entry and provide guidance to team workers.
  • Monitoring data collection process to ensure field manual and procedures are followed.
  • Coordination and supervision of enumeration activities in the enumeration area during the data collection process.
  • Monitoring and assessing the quality of the work of the enumerators, and review the questionnaires for completeness, consistency, and accuracy.
  • Oversee the concurrent data entry effort in the field and ensure that the errors identified by the data entry application are corrected.
  • Supervision of a team of government staff responsible for the collection of data.
  • Collection and validation and input of the data.
  • Build the platform including the hardware and software system required for FIMS
  • Carrying out, when required within the project duration, the processing, storage and retrieval of data of various kinds and to prepare data for its inclusion in computerized databases and to assist in their production and maintenance.
  • Train the Ogun State Ministry of Agriculture Staff (extension agents) on data collection and on the operation of the Farmers Information Management System
  • Completion report that outlines sustainable management of pathway for the farmers’ information management system for continuous use.
  • Evolve a sustainability plan for long term and post-project management of the process.

The areas of focus of the Farmers Information Management System / Database will include (but not limited to) the following: land hectares, location, crops, yields, fertilizer needs, agro-input needs, etc.) of each and every practicing farmer in the State.

Bio & Demographic information on the farmer:

  • Name, Age, Gender, mobile contacts, GPS location, Acreage / Hectarage, Homestead, Village, Ward Etc.

Farm incomes / expenses:

  • Total cost of production;
  • Value at farm gate;
  • Total cost of marketing;
  • Transportation;
  • Levies;
  • Cost of communication;
  • Farm income / receipts etc.

Crop Productivity:

  • Seed / seedlings varieties;
  • Crop yields;
  • Soil management technology / practices;
  • Access to extension support, Etc

Post-Harvest Management:

  • Crop storage facilities;
  • Post-harvest technologies and practices, Etc

Access and Utilization of Services:

  • Input providers;
  • BDS providers, off-takers;
  • Financial service providers,
  • Advisory services Etc.
  • The Ogun State Farmers Information Management System (OGFIMS) will also provide platform to communicate with farmers by SMS by LG, Wards, by Crops planted Sex and other fields as may be defined for communication. It is expected that the OGFIMS will provide information on land , cropping systems and priority crops.

Profile of the Consultancy Firm


  • The firm will be required to have minimum ten (10) years of relevant, demonstrable and verifiable experience in Demography and Social Science or Management Information System (MIS) / Information Technology (IT) or Rural Development / Agric Economics and Related Fields.


  • Proficiency in geospatial data capture, and database development & management, e.g. GIS;
  • Demonstrated experience in implementation of agricultural policies, initiatives, agricultural sector plans, and frameworks;
  • Experience in research and statistical analysis;
  • Experience in capacity building and training, on the job coaching and mentoring in the field of data collection will be an added advantage;
  • Commitment to quality control of data;
  • Experience in data collection;
  • Experience in similar solution for an international development project (will be an advantage);
  • Experience in working with a wide range of individuals in government, private sector, civil society, rural and community development associations etc.
  • Mandatory evidence of successful completion of similar exercise(s) in the past.

Key Consultants / Technical Resource(s) Experience
Lead Consultant:

  • Minimum M.Sc. degree in Geography, Demography, Social Science or Computer Science, Management Information System (MIS) / Information Technology (IT) , Geographic Information Systems (GIS) or Rural Development / Agric Economics and related Fields with minimum ten (10) years’ post-graduate experience.

The Consultant / Lead Consultant is expected to have:

  • Excellent knowledge of Geography, Demography, Social Science or Computer science, Management Information System (MIS) / Information Technology (IT) , Geographic Information Systems (GIS) or Rural Development / Agric Economics and Related Fields
  • Proven ability to design and implement similar projects, data collection, database development etc.;
  • Experience in research and statistical analysis;
  • Understanding of spatial database systems development or use of same;
  • Compelling (verbal and written) communication skills including ability to prepare reports, formulate and defend sound recommendations and articulate opinions concisely conveying maximum necessary information;
  • Strong reporting , presentation and analytical information support skills;
  • Outstanding oral and written communication and presentation skills in English.
  • The lead consultant is expected to show evidence of providing similar services for other national and international value chain development exercise. He / she will be expected to perform the following core responsibilities, among others:
  • Lead and supervise activities of other consultants / technical resources involved in the farmers registration and database development activities;
  • Planning, coordinating and directing all computer-related activities
  • Review all relevant primary and secondary sources of data and any relevant information to the study.
  • Develop all necessary data collection, plans tools and present them for review before use.
  • Participate in training of research assistants / data collectors, where necessary;
  • Experience in systems architecture design and implementation;
  • Understanding and experience in selection and use of Computer hardware and software;
  • Conduct both quantitative and qualitative data collection using acceptable methodologies.
  • Provide steer at cross-functional meetings

Other Consultants / Technical Resources:

  • Minimum B.Sc. degree in Geography, Demography, Social Science or Computer science, Management Information System (MIS) / Information Technology (IT) , Geographic Information Systems (GIS) or Rural Development / Agric Economics and related Fields with minimum six (6) years’ post-graduate experience in a related field.

The consultant / technical resources to be engaged are expected to have:

  • Demonstrable and sufficient knowledge of some or all of the above;
  • Experience in conducting thorough and clearly referenced literature review;
  • Experience in research and statistical analysis;
  • Experience in the design and implementation and working with MIS / IT and GIS systems;
  • Experience providing hand-on support to similar projects;
  • Understanding and experience in systems architecture design and implementation;
  • Requisite IT literacy & skills, including Database, SQL, SPSS, GIS etc;
  • Excellent oral and written communication and presentation skills in English Etc.

Language Requirements:

  • Proficiency in both written and spoken English and ability by consultants / technical resources to communicate in Yoruba language will be an added advantage.

Institutional and Organization Arrangements

  • The consulting firm will liaise with the Project Manager OGSTEP Agric, work closely with the relevant stakeholders, in particular the technical team composed by the Sector lead, and report to the Project Manager OGSTEP and Honourable Commissioner who is the sector lead.
  • The Ogun State Ministry of Agriculture shall provide all relevant documents available to the consulting firm. It will also provide necessary institutional support for operations of the firm. It is the sole responsibility of the consultant to search for and collect all required information.
  • The consulting firm will organise all necessary travel and other resources, subject to reimbursement as stipulated in the contract. Reimbursable expenses must be included in the submission.

Report and Schedule of Deliveries
The consulting firm will work directly with the Technical Team in the Ministry of Agriculture constituted by the sector lead to deliver on the following:

  • Inception Report: Within three (3) week following commissioning of the assignment, the Consultant will present an Inception Report outlining the proposed methodology to be applied to deliver this assignment, a Work Plan detailing key activity to be undertaken.
  • Develop Data collection manual and procure equipment’s.
  • Enumeration and field data collection.
  • Progress report & presentation
  • Database development (incl,Geo spatial database) and Hardware set up.
  • Verification and Error checking (field and desk)
  • Training for onsite support staff for the OGFIMS.
  • Submission of Final Report and Delivery of OGFIMS – Including Hardware & Software.

Services to be provided by the Client
The Ogun State Ministry of Agriculture shall make all relevant documents available to the firm. It will also provide necessary institutional support for operations of the consulting firm. It is the sole responsibility of the consulting firm to search for and collect all required information. The Ministry will be responsible for:

  • Provision of information and other relevant input to finalise designed system;
  • Monitoring and provide feedback to ensure effectiveness of the exercise;
  • Coordination with farmers and other stakeholders to ensure adequate support is provided;
  • Provision of Officers and Extension Agents to support the project data gathering and validation phase.
  • Giving inputs to draft and final reports; and
  • Sign off and release of funds in accordance with agreed payment disbursement schedule.

Payment Schedule
The payment of the consultant will be based on sign off, of deliverables by the Technical Team within the Ogun State Ministry of Agriculture as appointed by the Honourable Commissioner / Sector lead, with the final sign off by the Sector lead and following the payment schedule below:

Progress Target Payment – Percentage:

  • Inception Report (including Systems Architecture design etc) & development of data collection manual and procure equipment’s. – 10
  • Enumeration and field data collection & Supervision including procurement of hardware & software. – 40
  • Database development (incl, Geo spatial database) and building of the platform including the hardware and software system required for FIMS – 10
  • Draft report submission and Successful trial run of FIMS platform – 20
  • Training for support staff for the OGFIMS. – 10
  • Submission and Approval of Final Report and Delivery of OGFIMS – 10
  • Total – 100

The potential firm is expected to submit a financial proposal clearly indicating the time, daily rates and detailed schedule for the exercise. The firm will organize all necessary travel and other resources, subject to reimbursement as stipulated in the contract. Reimbursable expenses must be included in the submission.

Application Closing Date
16th September, 2020.

Method of Application
Interested and qualified Firm / Candidates should submit their Applications with subject “Consultancy for Farm & Farmers Registration, Including Geotagging Using Digital Tools & Database Development” via: ogstep@ogunstate.gov.ng
Three (3) Hard Copies, delivered along with soft copy at the address below during office hours 10:00am – 4:00pm (Mondays – Fridays)
The Project Coordinator (PC),
Project Implementation Unit (PIU),
Ogun State Economic Transformation Project (OGSTEP),
C/o Permanent Secretary’s Office,
Ogun State Ministry of Budget & Planning,
State Secretariat, Oke Mosan,
Abeokuta, Ogun State, Nigeria.

Click Here to Download Term of Reference

Applications should include:

  • Brief proposal outlining your methodology, timetable and budget.
  • Copies of certificate of registration / incorporation (for firms).
  • Company profile with names and contacts of Directors (for firms).
  • Curriculum Vitae of project team members and contact details of three referees.
  • Profile of previous work done related to this project.
  • Certificates of completion of previous work.
  • Contact details (office address, telephone numbers and e-mail addresses).

Note: Application materials are non-returnable, and we thank you in advance for understanding that only shortlisted candidates (firms) will be contacted for the next step in the application process.

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