Bitter leaf is a highly medicinal leafy green plant that contains high amounts of iron. It is known for its characteristic bitter taste which turns sweet after a while. The scientific name of this plant is Vernonia amygdalina.
In Nigeria Bitter leaf has various local names, the Igbos call it Onugbu, Yorubas call it Ewuro and the Hausas call it Shiwaka.
Perhaps the most distinctive part of the Bitter-leaf plant is its bitterness.Every part of the plant is bitter: the leaves, stems, root, and bark.The Igbos of Eastern Nigeria use the bitter-leaf mostly as a vegetable, while the Yorubas use it more as a medicine.
Bitter leaf is used to make soups, juice and taken as a medicine.
1: TONING VITAL ORGANS The liver is one of the most important organs in the body and it performs many vital functions. The liver is the largest organ in the body and it helps in the production of bile acid, which is important for fat metabolism. Bitter leaf helps in maintaining the liver as it helps it to function properly. It is advisable for people with liver problems to drink water boiled with the bitter leaf.
2: CONTROL OF CHOLESTEROL Including bitter leaf in your diet would help reduce cholesterol in your body. High levels of cholesterol promote Alzheimer, stroke, and heart attack. This means consuming bitter leaf would help reduce the bad cholesterol (LDL) while increasing the good cholesterol.
According to research, ten out of hundred women are at risk of having breast cancer. In order to reduce the chances of developing breast cancer, it is important to maintain a healthy weight and to be physically active. Including bitter leaf in your diet can help lessen the risk of breast cancer. Also, bitter leaf increases breast milk production in nursing mothers.
4: IT ENHANCES FERTILITY Studies have shown that bitter leaf boosts the chances of pregnancy among women who are finding it difficult to conceive. And this because the detoxification power of bitter leaf helps prevent the pollution of the antibodies that fight diseases, initiate tissue repair and regeneration.This is known to boost the fertility of the ovaries, significantly; as well as eliminating ovarian cyst and premature ovarian failure.
5: DIGESTION Bitter leaf (like every other vegetable) can assist the body with digestion as it contains fibre. It could also be used as a purgative when stomach problems like constipation is being experienced. Bitter leaf also helps the body to get rid of worms.
6: DETOXIFICATIONAnother importance of bitter leaf is its cleansing ability. Bitter leaf cleanses the body and can be used to cure pile.
7: IT RELIEVES STOMACH ACHE: It relieves stomach ache Almost everybody knows this because it is a well-known remedy for stomachaches. All you need do is to chew the tender stem of the plant like a chewing stick and swallow the bitterness and the ache will stop within few minutes.An alternative is to pound the fresh leaves in a mortar and press out the juice. Add a pinch of salt to three tablespoons of the undiluted juice and drink. You will experience relief in no time.
8: IT FIGHTS PROSTATE CANCER Research has shown that prostate cancer is common among men who are over forty years old. And one of its known symptoms is difficult and painful urination.Bitter leaf, on the other hand, is very good for this ailment. It increases the flow of urine and reduces the pain, as well as regulates the spread of the cell.To fight prostate cancer with bitter leaf, simply squeeze the fresh leaves in water and take a glassful four times daily while you constantly go for a checkup. You’ll urinate frequently, but don’t worry about that because it is part of the cleansing process.
9: IT FIGHTS PNEUMONIA :Pneumonia is a lung inflammation disease caused by bacterial or viral infection, in which the air sacs fill with pus and may become solid. Inflammation may affect both lungs (double pneumonia ) or only one ( single pneumonia.However, the miraculous plant is powerful enough to combat this condition.And tackle it, squeeze the fresh leaves of the plant in water and take a glass-full thrice daily. Always remember to warm the solution on fire each time before drinking.Do not boil, just warm. And continue the medication for a month.
10: INSOMNIA: Insomnia is a condition that promotes habitual sleeplessness. And as funny as it may sound, there are a lot of people experiencing this condition.This group of people finds it impossible to sleep at night and no matter how hard they try, their effort is always met with wakefulness.However, studies have shown that Bitter leaf extract has done wonders for those suffering from sleeplessness. Simply take two glasses of bitter leaf solution every night and you will experience a calmness that comes with relaxation and sleep.
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